Build from source

Get source and compile

Install Java JDK

  • Linux (Debian, Ubuntu):
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk

Install LibSodium

  • Linux : follow this instructions (anglais).

  • After install, check that the file exists inside directory /usr/local/lib or /opt/local/lib.

  • If not exists, but at another location, please create a symbolic link under directory /usr/local/lib or /opt/local/lib.

  • Windows : Aucune instalation nécessaire (fichier sodium.dll déjà présent dans duniter4j-core-shared/lib);

  • Windows: copy the file ‘sodium.dll’ into directory ‘duniter4j-core/lib/’

Installer Apache Maven 3

Install Apache Maven 3:

  • Linux (Debian, Ubuntu):
    sudo apt-get install maven
  • Install Maven 3: sudo apt-get install maven

Get source the compile

  • Get the source code, then compile using Maven:
git clone
cd duniter4j
git submodule init
git submodule sync
git submodule update

mvn install -DskipTests
  • Then, package all binaries:
mvn install -DskipTests -DperformRelease

Deploy binaries

You will need to have access to project site repository.

To deploy binaries:

mvn release:prepare
mvn release:perform

Deploy the web site

To deploy the web site:

mvn site-deploy -DperformRelease