View Javadoc
1   // license-header java merge-point
2   //
3   // Attention: Generated code! Do not modify by hand!
4   // Generated by: hibernate/HibernateEntity.vsl in andromda-hibernate-cartridge.
5   //
6   package fr.ifremer.quadrige3.core.dao.administration.user;
8   /*-
9    * #%L
10   * Quadrige3 Core :: Client API
11   * %%
12   * Copyright (C) 2017 - 2024 Ifremer
13   * %%
14   * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
15   * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
16   * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
17   * (at your option) any later version.
18   * 
19   * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
20   * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
22   * GNU General Public License for more details.
23   * 
24   * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
25   * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
26   * #L%
27   */
28  import fr.ifremer.quadrige3.core.dao.referential.Privilege;
29  import fr.ifremer.quadrige3.core.dao.referential.Status;
30  import fr.ifremer.quadrige3.core.dao.system.Job;
31  import fr.ifremer.quadrige3.core.dao.system.MapProject;
32  import fr.ifremer.quadrige3.core.dao.system.Selection;
33  import;
34  import java.sql.Timestamp;
35  import java.util.Collection;
36  import java.util.Date;
37  import java.util.HashSet;
39  /**
40   * Liste l'ensemble des agents et utilisateurs du système.
41   */
42  // HibernateEntity.vsl annotations merge-point
43  public abstract class Quser
44      implements Serializable, Comparable<Quser>
45  {
46      /**
47       * The serial version UID of this class. Needed for serialization.
48       */
49      private static final long serialVersionUID = -7230460421992938572L;
51      // Generate 17 attributes
52      private Integer quserId;
54      /**
55       * Identifiant interne d'un agent
56       * @return this.quserId Integer
57       */
58      public Integer getQuserId()
59      {
60          return this.quserId;
61      }
63      /**
64       * Identifiant interne d'un agent
65       * @param quserIdIn Integer
66       */
67      public void setQuserId(Integer quserIdIn)
68      {
69          this.quserId = quserIdIn;
70      }
72      private String quserCd;
74      /**
75       * Matricule : identifie de manière unique une personne dans LDAP, attribut obligatoire dans
76       * LDAP
77       * @return this.quserCd String
78       */
79      public String getQuserCd()
80      {
81          return this.quserCd;
82      }
84      /**
85       * Matricule : identifie de manière unique une personne dans LDAP, attribut obligatoire dans
86       * LDAP
87       * @param quserCdIn String
88       */
89      public void setQuserCd(String quserCdIn)
90      {
91          this.quserCd = quserCdIn;
92      }
94      private String quserLastNm;
96      /**
97       * Nom de l'agent, obligatoire
98       * @return this.quserLastNm String
99       */
100     public String getQuserLastNm()
101     {
102         return this.quserLastNm;
103     }
105     /**
106      * Nom de l'agent, obligatoire
107      * @param quserLastNmIn String
108      */
109     public void setQuserLastNm(String quserLastNmIn)
110     {
111         this.quserLastNm = quserLastNmIn;
112     }
114     private String quserFirstNm;
116     /**
117      * Prénom de l'agent
118      * @return this.quserFirstNm String
119      */
120     public String getQuserFirstNm()
121     {
122         return this.quserFirstNm;
123     }
125     /**
126      * Prénom de l'agent
127      * @param quserFirstNmIn String
128      */
129     public void setQuserFirstNm(String quserFirstNmIn)
130     {
131         this.quserFirstNm = quserFirstNmIn;
132     }
134     private String quserIntranetLg;
136     /**
137      * UID du LDAP intranet de l'agent s'il existe
138      * @return this.quserIntranetLg String
139      */
140     public String getQuserIntranetLg()
141     {
142         return this.quserIntranetLg;
143     }
145     /**
146      * UID du LDAP intranet de l'agent s'il existe
147      * @param quserIntranetLgIn String
148      */
149     public void setQuserIntranetLg(String quserIntranetLgIn)
150     {
151         this.quserIntranetLg = quserIntranetLgIn;
152     }
154     private String quserExtranetLg;
156     /**
157      * UID du LDAP extranet de l'agent s'il existe
158      * @return this.quserExtranetLg String
159      */
160     public String getQuserExtranetLg()
161     {
162         return this.quserExtranetLg;
163     }
165     /**
166      * UID du LDAP extranet de l'agent s'il existe
167      * @param quserExtranetLgIn String
168      */
169     public void setQuserExtranetLg(String quserExtranetLgIn)
170     {
171         this.quserExtranetLg = quserExtranetLgIn;
172     }
174     private String quserEMail;
176     /**
177      * Adresse électronique de la personne
178      * @return this.quserEMail String
179      */
180     public String getQuserEMail()
181     {
182         return this.quserEMail;
183     }
185     /**
186      * Adresse électronique de la personne
187      * @param quserEMailIn String
188      */
189     public void setQuserEMail(String quserEMailIn)
190     {
191         this.quserEMail = quserEMailIn;
192     }
194     private String quserAddress;
196     /**
197      * Adresse du site dans le LDAP, ou informations sur l'adresse de l'utilisateur.
198      * @return this.quserAddress String
199      */
200     public String getQuserAddress()
201     {
202         return this.quserAddress;
203     }
205     /**
206      * Adresse du site dans le LDAP, ou informations sur l'adresse de l'utilisateur.
207      * @param quserAddressIn String
208      */
209     public void setQuserAddress(String quserAddressIn)
210     {
211         this.quserAddress = quserAddressIn;
212     }
214     private String quserPhone;
216     /**
217      * Liste des téléphones de la personnes
218      * @return this.quserPhone String
219      */
220     public String getQuserPhone()
221     {
222         return this.quserPhone;
223     }
225     /**
226      * Liste des téléphones de la personnes
227      * @param quserPhoneIn String
228      */
229     public void setQuserPhone(String quserPhoneIn)
230     {
231         this.quserPhone = quserPhoneIn;
232     }
234     private String quserOrgan;
236     /**
237      * Organisme dont dépend la personne (voir avec service)!!!
238      * @return this.quserOrgan String
239      */
240     public String getQuserOrgan()
241     {
242         return this.quserOrgan;
243     }
245     /**
246      * Organisme dont dépend la personne (voir avec service)!!!
247      * @param quserOrganIn String
248      */
249     public void setQuserOrgan(String quserOrganIn)
250     {
251         this.quserOrgan = quserOrganIn;
252     }
254     private String quserAdminCenter;
256     /**
257      * Centre administratif dont dépend la personne (voir avec service) !!
258      * @return this.quserAdminCenter String
259      */
260     public String getQuserAdminCenter()
261     {
262         return this.quserAdminCenter;
263     }
265     /**
266      * Centre administratif dont dépend la personne (voir avec service) !!
267      * @param quserAdminCenterIn String
268      */
269     public void setQuserAdminCenter(String quserAdminCenterIn)
270     {
271         this.quserAdminCenter = quserAdminCenterIn;
272     }
274     private String quserSite;
276     /**
277      * Site auquel est affectée la personne
278      * @return this.quserSite String
279      */
280     public String getQuserSite()
281     {
282         return this.quserSite;
283     }
285     /**
286      * Site auquel est affectée la personne
287      * @param quserSiteIn String
288      */
289     public void setQuserSite(String quserSiteIn)
290     {
291         this.quserSite = quserSiteIn;
292     }
294     private String quserLdapPresent;
296     /**
297      * Oui, si l'utilisateur est présent dans le LDAP (code renseigné).
298      * @return this.quserLdapPresent String
299      */
300     public String getQuserLdapPresent()
301     {
302         return this.quserLdapPresent;
303     }
305     /**
306      * Oui, si l'utilisateur est présent dans le LDAP (code renseigné).
307      * @param quserLdapPresentIn String
308      */
309     public void setQuserLdapPresent(String quserLdapPresentIn)
310     {
311         this.quserLdapPresent = quserLdapPresentIn;
312     }
314     private String quserCryptPassword;
316     /**
317      * Crypt password, for local DB only (e.g. ReefDb)
318      * @return this.quserCryptPassword String
319      */
320     public String getQuserCryptPassword()
321     {
322         return this.quserCryptPassword;
323     }
325     /**
326      * Crypt password, for local DB only (e.g. ReefDb)
327      * @param quserCryptPasswordIn String
328      */
329     public void setQuserCryptPassword(String quserCryptPasswordIn)
330     {
331         this.quserCryptPassword = quserCryptPasswordIn;
332     }
334     private Date quserCreationDt;
336     /**
337      * Date de création de l'objet
338      * @return this.quserCreationDt Date
339      */
340     public Date getQuserCreationDt()
341     {
342         return this.quserCreationDt;
343     }
345     /**
346      * Date de création de l'objet
347      * @param quserCreationDtIn Date
348      */
349     public void setQuserCreationDt(Date quserCreationDtIn)
350     {
351         this.quserCreationDt = quserCreationDtIn;
352     }
354     private Timestamp updateDt;
356     /**
357      * Date de modification de l'objet
358      * @return this.updateDt Timestamp
359      */
360     public Timestamp getUpdateDt()
361     {
362         return this.updateDt;
363     }
365     /**
366      * Date de modification de l'objet
367      * @param updateDtIn Timestamp
368      */
369     public void setUpdateDt(Timestamp updateDtIn)
370     {
371         this.updateDt = updateDtIn;
372     }
374     private String quserCm;
376     /**
377      * 
378      * @return this.quserCm String
379      */
380     public String getQuserCm()
381     {
382         return this.quserCm;
383     }
385     /**
386      * 
387      * @param quserCmIn String
388      */
389     public void setQuserCm(String quserCmIn)
390     {
391         this.quserCm = quserCmIn;
392     }
394     // Generate 21 associations
395     private Collection<Privilege> privileges = new HashSet<Privilege>();
397     /**
398      * Ensemble des privilèges utilisateurs.
399      * @return this.privileges Collection<Privilege>
400      */
401     public Collection<Privilege> getPrivileges()
402     {
403         return this.privileges;
404     }
406     /**
407      * Ensemble des privilèges utilisateurs.
408      * @param privilegesIn Collection<Privilege>
409      */
410     public void setPrivileges(Collection<Privilege> privilegesIn)
411     {
412         this.privileges = privilegesIn;
413     }
415     /**
416      * Ensemble des privilèges utilisateurs.
417      * @param elementToAdd Privilege
418      * @return <tt>true</tt> if this collection changed as a result of the
419      *         call
420      */
421     public boolean addPrivileges(Privilege elementToAdd)
422     {
423         return this.privileges.add(elementToAdd);
424     }
426     /**
427      * Ensemble des privilèges utilisateurs.
428      * @param elementToRemove Privilege
429      * @return <tt>true</tt> if this collection changed as a result of the
430      *         call
431      */
432     public boolean removePrivileges(Privilege elementToRemove)
433     {
434         return this.privileges.remove(elementToRemove);
435     }
437     private Collection<Job> jobIds = new HashSet<Job>();
439     /**
440      * Liste des taches de fond lancées
441      * @return this.jobIds Collection<Job>
442      */
443     public Collection<Job> getJobIds()
444     {
445         return this.jobIds;
446     }
448     /**
449      * Liste des taches de fond lancées
450      * @param jobIdsIn Collection<Job>
451      */
452     public void setJobIds(Collection<Job> jobIdsIn)
453     {
454         this.jobIds = jobIdsIn;
455     }
457     /**
458      * Liste des taches de fond lancées
459      * @param elementToAdd Job
460      * @return <tt>true</tt> if this collection changed as a result of the
461      *         call
462      */
463     public boolean addJobIds(Job elementToAdd)
464     {
465         return this.jobIds.add(elementToAdd);
466     }
468     /**
469      * Liste des taches de fond lancées
470      * @param elementToRemove Job
471      * @return <tt>true</tt> if this collection changed as a result of the
472      *         call
473      */
474     public boolean removeJobIds(Job elementToRemove)
475     {
476         return this.jobIds.remove(elementToRemove);
477     }
479     private Status status;
481     /**
482      * Liste des états possibles d'un objet.
483      * @return this.status Status
484      */
485     public Status getStatus()
486     {
487         return this.status;
488     }
490     /**
491      * Liste des états possibles d'un objet.
492      * @param statusIn Status
493      */
494     public void setStatus(Status statusIn)
495     {
496         this.status = statusIn;
497     }
499     private Collection<Selection> selIds = new HashSet<Selection>();
501     /**
502      * Liste des sélections cartographique.
503      * @return this.selIds Collection<Selection>
504      */
505     public Collection<Selection> getSelIds()
506     {
507         return this.selIds;
508     }
510     /**
511      * Liste des sélections cartographique.
512      * @param selIdsIn Collection<Selection>
513      */
514     public void setSelIds(Collection<Selection> selIdsIn)
515     {
516         this.selIds = selIdsIn;
517     }
519     /**
520      * Liste des sélections cartographique.
521      * @param elementToAdd Selection
522      * @return <tt>true</tt> if this collection changed as a result of the
523      *         call
524      */
525     public boolean addSelIds(Selection elementToAdd)
526     {
527         return this.selIds.add(elementToAdd);
528     }
530     /**
531      * Liste des sélections cartographique.
532      * @param elementToRemove Selection
533      * @return <tt>true</tt> if this collection changed as a result of the
534      *         call
535      */
536     public boolean removeSelIds(Selection elementToRemove)
537     {
538         return this.selIds.remove(elementToRemove);
539     }
541     private Department department;
543     /**
544      * Liste les départements ou services auxquels sont rattachés les agents
545      * @return this.department Department
546      */
547     public Department getDepartment()
548     {
549         return this.department;
550     }
552     /**
553      * Liste les départements ou services auxquels sont rattachés les agents
554      * @param departmentIn Department
555      */
556     public void setDepartment(Department departmentIn)
557     {
558         this.department = departmentIn;
559     }
561     private Collection<MapProject> mapProjectIds = new HashSet<MapProject>();
563     /**
564      * Projet cartographique
565      * @return this.mapProjectIds Collection<MapProject>
566      */
567     public Collection<MapProject> getMapProjectIds()
568     {
569         return this.mapProjectIds;
570     }
572     /**
573      * Projet cartographique
574      * @param mapProjectIdsIn Collection<MapProject>
575      */
576     public void setMapProjectIds(Collection<MapProject> mapProjectIdsIn)
577     {
578         this.mapProjectIds = mapProjectIdsIn;
579     }
581     /**
582      * Projet cartographique
583      * @param elementToAdd MapProject
584      * @return <tt>true</tt> if this collection changed as a result of the
585      *         call
586      */
587     public boolean addMapProjectIds(MapProject elementToAdd)
588     {
589         return this.mapProjectIds.add(elementToAdd);
590     }
592     /**
593      * Projet cartographique
594      * @param elementToRemove MapProject
595      * @return <tt>true</tt> if this collection changed as a result of the
596      *         call
597      */
598     public boolean removeMapProjectIds(MapProject elementToRemove)
599     {
600         return this.mapProjectIds.remove(elementToRemove);
601     }
603     /**
604      * Returns <code>true</code> if the argument is an Quser instance and all identifiers for this entity
605      * equal the identifiers of the argument entity. Returns <code>false</code> otherwise.
606      */
607     @Override
608     public boolean equals(Object object)
609     {
610         if (this == object)
611         {
612             return true;
613         }
614         if (!(object instanceof Quser))
615         {
616             return false;
617         }
618         final Quser that = (Quser)object;
619         if (this.quserId == null || that.getQuserId() == null || !this.quserId.equals(that.getQuserId()))
620         {
621             return false;
622         }
623         return true;
624     }
626     /**
627      * Returns a hash code based on this entity's identifiers.
628      */
629     @Override
630     public int hashCode()
631     {
632         int hashCode = 0;
633         hashCode = 29 * hashCode + (this.quserId == null ? 0 : this.quserId.hashCode());
635         return hashCode;
636     }
638     /**
639      * Constructs new instances of {@link Quser}.
640      */
641     public static final class Factory
642     {
643         /**
644          * Constructs a new instance of {@link Quser}.
645          * @return new QuserImpl()
646          */
647         public static Quser newInstance()
648         {
649             return new QuserImpl();
650         }
652         /**
653          * Constructs a new instance of {@link Quser}, taking all required and/or
654          * read-only properties as arguments, except for identifiers.
655          * @param quserLastNm String
656          * @param quserFirstNm String
657          * @param status Status
658          * @param department Department
659          * @return newInstance
660          */
661         public static Quser newInstance(String quserLastNm, String quserFirstNm, Status status, Department department)
662         {
663             final Quser entity = new QuserImpl();
664             entity.setQuserLastNm(quserLastNm);
665             entity.setQuserFirstNm(quserFirstNm);
666             entity.setStatus(status);
667             entity.setDepartment(department);
668             return entity;
669         }
671         /**
672          * Constructs a new instance of {@link Quser}, taking all possible properties
673          * (except the identifier(s))as arguments.
674          * @param quserCd String
675          * @param quserLastNm String
676          * @param quserFirstNm String
677          * @param quserIntranetLg String
678          * @param quserExtranetLg String
679          * @param quserEMail String
680          * @param quserAddress String
681          * @param quserPhone String
682          * @param quserOrgan String
683          * @param quserAdminCenter String
684          * @param quserSite String
685          * @param quserLdapPresent String
686          * @param quserCryptPassword String
687          * @param quserCreationDt Date
688          * @param updateDt Timestamp
689          * @param quserCm String
690          * @param privileges Collection<Privilege>
691          * @param jobIds Collection<Job>
692          * @param status Status
693          * @param selIds Collection<Selection>
694          * @param department Department
695          * @param mapProjectIds Collection<MapProject>
696          * @return newInstance Quser
697          */
698         public static Quser newInstance(String quserCd, String quserLastNm, String quserFirstNm, String quserIntranetLg, String quserExtranetLg, String quserEMail, String quserAddress, String quserPhone, String quserOrgan, String quserAdminCenter, String quserSite, String quserLdapPresent, String quserCryptPassword, Date quserCreationDt, Timestamp updateDt, String quserCm, Collection<Privilege> privileges, Collection<Job> jobIds, Status status, Collection<Selection> selIds, Department department, Collection<MapProject> mapProjectIds)
699         {
700             final Quser entity = new QuserImpl();
701             entity.setQuserCd(quserCd);
702             entity.setQuserLastNm(quserLastNm);
703             entity.setQuserFirstNm(quserFirstNm);
704             entity.setQuserIntranetLg(quserIntranetLg);
705             entity.setQuserExtranetLg(quserExtranetLg);
706             entity.setQuserEMail(quserEMail);
707             entity.setQuserAddress(quserAddress);
708             entity.setQuserPhone(quserPhone);
709             entity.setQuserOrgan(quserOrgan);
710             entity.setQuserAdminCenter(quserAdminCenter);
711             entity.setQuserSite(quserSite);
712             entity.setQuserLdapPresent(quserLdapPresent);
713             entity.setQuserCryptPassword(quserCryptPassword);
714             entity.setQuserCreationDt(quserCreationDt);
715             entity.setUpdateDt(updateDt);
716             entity.setQuserCm(quserCm);
717             entity.setPrivileges(privileges);
718             entity.setJobIds(jobIds);
719             entity.setStatus(status);
720             entity.setSelIds(selIds);
721             entity.setDepartment(department);
722             entity.setMapProjectIds(mapProjectIds);
723             return entity;
724         }
725     }
727     /**
728      * @see Comparable#compareTo
729      */
730     public int compareTo(Quser o)
731     {
732         int cmp = 0;
733         if (this.getQuserId() != null)
734         {
735             cmp = this.getQuserId().compareTo(o.getQuserId());
736         }
737         else
738         {
739             if (this.getQuserCd() != null)
740             {
741                 cmp = (cmp != 0 ? cmp : this.getQuserCd().compareTo(o.getQuserCd()));
742             }
743             if (this.getQuserLastNm() != null)
744             {
745                 cmp = (cmp != 0 ? cmp : this.getQuserLastNm().compareTo(o.getQuserLastNm()));
746             }
747             if (this.getQuserFirstNm() != null)
748             {
749                 cmp = (cmp != 0 ? cmp : this.getQuserFirstNm().compareTo(o.getQuserFirstNm()));
750             }
751             if (this.getQuserIntranetLg() != null)
752             {
753                 cmp = (cmp != 0 ? cmp : this.getQuserIntranetLg().compareTo(o.getQuserIntranetLg()));
754             }
755             if (this.getQuserExtranetLg() != null)
756             {
757                 cmp = (cmp != 0 ? cmp : this.getQuserExtranetLg().compareTo(o.getQuserExtranetLg()));
758             }
759             if (this.getQuserEMail() != null)
760             {
761                 cmp = (cmp != 0 ? cmp : this.getQuserEMail().compareTo(o.getQuserEMail()));
762             }
763             if (this.getQuserAddress() != null)
764             {
765                 cmp = (cmp != 0 ? cmp : this.getQuserAddress().compareTo(o.getQuserAddress()));
766             }
767             if (this.getQuserPhone() != null)
768             {
769                 cmp = (cmp != 0 ? cmp : this.getQuserPhone().compareTo(o.getQuserPhone()));
770             }
771             if (this.getQuserOrgan() != null)
772             {
773                 cmp = (cmp != 0 ? cmp : this.getQuserOrgan().compareTo(o.getQuserOrgan()));
774             }
775             if (this.getQuserAdminCenter() != null)
776             {
777                 cmp = (cmp != 0 ? cmp : this.getQuserAdminCenter().compareTo(o.getQuserAdminCenter()));
778             }
779             if (this.getQuserSite() != null)
780             {
781                 cmp = (cmp != 0 ? cmp : this.getQuserSite().compareTo(o.getQuserSite()));
782             }
783             if (this.getQuserLdapPresent() != null)
784             {
785                 cmp = (cmp != 0 ? cmp : this.getQuserLdapPresent().compareTo(o.getQuserLdapPresent()));
786             }
787             if (this.getQuserCryptPassword() != null)
788             {
789                 cmp = (cmp != 0 ? cmp : this.getQuserCryptPassword().compareTo(o.getQuserCryptPassword()));
790             }
791             if (this.getQuserCreationDt() != null)
792             {
793                 cmp = (cmp != 0 ? cmp : this.getQuserCreationDt().compareTo(o.getQuserCreationDt()));
794             }
795             if (this.getUpdateDt() != null)
796             {
797                 cmp = (cmp != 0 ? cmp : this.getUpdateDt().compareTo(o.getUpdateDt()));
798             }
799             if (this.getQuserCm() != null)
800             {
801                 cmp = (cmp != 0 ? cmp : this.getQuserCm().compareTo(o.getQuserCm()));
802             }
803         }
804         return cmp;
805     }
806 // HibernateEntity.vsl merge-point
807 // merge-point
808 }