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1   // license-header java merge-point
2   //
3   // Attention: Generated code! Do not modify by hand!
4   // Generated by: SpringDao.vsl in andromda-spring-cartridge.
5   //
6   package;
8   /*-
9    * #%L
10   * Quadrige3 Core :: Client API
11   * %%
12   * Copyright (C) 2017 - 2024 Ifremer
13   * %%
14   * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
15   * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
16   * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
17   * (at your option) any later version.
18   * 
19   * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
20   * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
22   * GNU General Public License for more details.
23   * 
24   * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
25   * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
26   * #L%
27   */
28  import fr.ifremer.quadrige3.core.dao.Search;
29  import fr.ifremer.quadrige3.core.dao.referential.QualityFlag;
30  import fr.ifremer.quadrige3.core.dao.referential.eunis.EunisTypology;
31  import java.sql.Timestamp;
32  import java.util.Collection;
33  import java.util.Date;
34  import java.util.Set;
35  import org.andromda.spring.PaginationResult;
37  /**
38   * Commentaire sur l'habitat observé.
39   * @see ObservedHabitat
40   */
41  public interface ObservedHabitatDao
42  {
43      /**
44       * This constant is used as a transformation flag; entities can be converted automatically into value objects
45       * or other types, different methods in a class implementing this interface support this feature: look for
46       * an <code>int</code> parameter called <code>transform</code>.
47       * <p>
48       * This specific flag denotes no transformation will occur.
49       */
50      public static final int TRANSFORM_NONE = 0;
53      /**
54       * Transforms the given results to a collection of {@link ObservedHabitat}
55       * instances (this is useful when the returned results contains a row of data and you want just entities only).
56       *
57       * @param results the query results.
58       */
59      public void toEntities(final Collection<?> results);
61      /**
62       * Gets an instance of ObservedHabitat from the persistent store.
63       * @param observedHabitatId
64       * @return ObservedHabitat
65       */
66      public ObservedHabitat get(Integer observedHabitatId);
68      /**
69       * <p>
70       * Does the same thing as {@link #get(Integer)} with an
71       * additional flag called <code>transform</code>. If this flag is set to <code>TRANSFORM_NONE</code> then
72       * the returned entity will <strong>NOT</strong> be transformed. If this flag is any of the other constants
73       * defined in this class then the result <strong>WILL BE</strong> passed through an operation which can
74       * optionally transform the entity (into a value object for example). By default, transformation does
75       * not occur.
76       * </p>
77       *
78       * @param transform flag to determine transformation type.
79       * @param observedHabitatId the identifier of the entity to get.
80       * @return either the entity or the object transformed from the entity.
81       */
82      public Object get(int transform, Integer observedHabitatId);
84      /**
85       * Loads an instance of ObservedHabitat from the persistent store.
86       * @param observedHabitatId
87       * @return ObservedHabitat
88       */
89      public ObservedHabitat load(Integer observedHabitatId);
91      /**
92       * <p>
93       * Does the same thing as {@link #load(Integer)} with an
94       * additional flag called <code>transform</code>. If this flag is set to <code>TRANSFORM_NONE</code> then
95       * the returned entity will <strong>NOT</strong> be transformed. If this flag is any of the other constants
96       * defined in this class then the result <strong>WILL BE</strong> passed through an operation which can
97       * optionally transform the entity (into a value object for example). By default, transformation does
98       * not occur.
99       * </p>
100      *
101      * @param transform flag to determine transformation type.
102      * @param observedHabitatId the identifier of the entity to load.
103      * @return either the entity or the object transformed from the entity.
104      */
105     public Object load(int transform, Integer observedHabitatId);
107     /**
108      * Loads all entities of type {@link ObservedHabitat}.
109      *
110      * @return the loaded entities.
111      */
112     public Collection<ObservedHabitat> loadAll();
114     /**
115      * <p>
116      * Does the same thing as {@link #loadAll()} with an
117      * additional flag called <code>transform</code>. If this flag is set to <code>TRANSFORM_NONE</code> then
118      * the returned entity will <strong>NOT</strong> be transformed. If this flag is any of the other constants
119      * defined here then the result <strong>WILL BE</strong> passed through an operation which can optionally
120      * transform the entity (into a value object for example). By default, transformation does
121      * not occur.
122      * </p>
123      *
124      * @param transform the flag indicating what transformation to use.
125      * @return the loaded entities.
126      */
127     public Collection<?> loadAll(final int transform);
129     /**
130      * <p>
131      * Does the same thing as {@link #loadAll()} with an
132      * additional two arguments called <code>pageNumber</code> and <code>pageSize</code>. The <code>pageNumber</code>
133      * argument allows you to specify the page number when you are paging the results and the pageSize allows you to specify the size of the
134      * page retrieved.
135      * </p>
136      *
137      * @param pageNumber the page number to retrieve when paging results.
138      * @param pageSize the size of the page to retrieve when paging results.
139      * @return the loaded entities.
140      */
141     public Collection<?> loadAll(final int pageNumber, final int pageSize);
143     /**
144      * <p>
145      * Does the same thing as {@link #loadAll(int)} with an
146      * additional two arguments called <code>pageNumber</code> and <code>pageSize</code>. The <code>pageNumber</code>
147      * argument allows you to specify the page number when you are paging the results and the pageSize allows you to specify the size of the
148      * page retrieved.
149      * </p>
150      *
151      * @param transform the flag indicating what transformation to use.
152      * @param pageNumber the page number to retrieve when paging results.
153      * @param pageSize the size of the page to retrieve when paging results.
154      * @return the loaded entities.
155      */
156     public Collection<?> loadAll(final int transform, final int pageNumber, final int pageSize);
158     /**
159      * Creates an instance of ObservedHabitat and adds it to the persistent store.
160      * @param observedHabitat
161      * @return ObservedHabitat
162      */
163     public ObservedHabitat create(ObservedHabitat observedHabitat);
165     /**
166      * <p>
167      * Does the same thing as {@link #create(ObservedHabitat)} with an
168      * additional flag called <code>transform</code>. If this flag is set to <code>TRANSFORM_NONE</code> then
169      * the returned entity will <strong>NOT</strong> be transformed. If this flag is any of the other constants
170      * defined here then the result <strong>WILL BE</strong> passed through an operation which can optionally
171      * transform the entity (into a value object for example). By default, transformation does
172      * not occur.
173      * </p>
174      * @param transform
175      * @param observedHabitat
176      * @return Object
177      */
178     public Object create(int transform, ObservedHabitat observedHabitat);
180     /**
181      * Creates a new instance of ObservedHabitat and adds
182      * from the passed in <code>entities</code> collection
183      *
184      * @param entities the collection of ObservedHabitat
185      * instances to create.
186      *
187      * @return the created instances.
188      */
189     public Collection<ObservedHabitat> create(Collection<ObservedHabitat> entities);
191     /**
192      * <p>
193      * Does the same thing as {@link #create(ObservedHabitat)} with an
194      * additional flag called <code>transform</code>. If this flag is set to <code>TRANSFORM_NONE</code> then
195      * the returned entity will <strong>NOT</strong> be transformed. If this flag is any of the other constants
196      * defined here then the result <strong>WILL BE</strong> passed through an operation which can optionally
197      * transform the entities (into value objects for example). By default, transformation does
198      * not occur.
199      * </p>
200      * @param transform
201      * @param entities
202      * @return Collection
203      */
204     public Collection<?> create(int transform, Collection<ObservedHabitat> entities);
206     /**
207      * <p>
208      * Creates a new <code>ObservedHabitat</code>
209      * instance from <strong>all</strong> attributes and adds it to
210      * the persistent store.
211      * </p>
212      * @param observHabCm Commentaire sur l'habitat observé
213      * @param observHabValidDt Date de validation de la données
214      * @param observHabQualifDt Date de qualification de la données
215      * @param observHabQualifCm Commentaire sur la qualification du passage
216 D'une façon générale, il faut vérifier que les données de controle, qualification et validation,
217 dates ou commentaires sont bien du ressort de la classe courante et ne doivent pas être gérées dans
218 une super classe de type métadonnées, et plus particulièrement dans ce cas avec les données
219 géométriques et la norme ISO 19115.
220      * @param updateDt Date de modification de l'objet, mise à jour par le système
221      * @param remoteId 
222      * @return ObservedHabitat
223      */
224     public ObservedHabitat create(
225         String observHabCm,
226         Date observHabValidDt,
227         Date observHabQualifDt,
228         String observHabQualifCm,
229         Timestamp updateDt,
230         Integer remoteId);
232     /**
233      * <p>
234      * Does the same thing as {@link #create(String, Date, Date, String, Timestamp, Integer)} with an
235      * additional flag called <code>transform</code>. If this flag is set to <code>TRANSFORM_NONE</code> then
236      * the returned entity will <strong>NOT</strong> be transformed. If this flag is any of the other constants
237      * defined here then the result <strong>WILL BE</strong> passed through an operation which can optionally
238      * transform the entity (into a value object for example). By default, transformation does
239      * not occur.
240      * </p>
241      * @param transform
242      * @param observHabCm Commentaire sur l'habitat observé
243      * @param observHabValidDt Date de validation de la données
244      * @param observHabQualifDt Date de qualification de la données
245      * @param observHabQualifCm Commentaire sur la qualification du passage
246 D'une façon générale, il faut vérifier que les données de controle, qualification et validation,
247 dates ou commentaires sont bien du ressort de la classe courante et ne doivent pas être gérées dans
248 une super classe de type métadonnées, et plus particulièrement dans ce cas avec les données
249 géométriques et la norme ISO 19115.
250      * @param updateDt Date de modification de l'objet, mise à jour par le système
251      * @param remoteId 
252      * @return ObservedHabitat
253      */
254     public Object create(
255         int transform,
256         String observHabCm,
257         Date observHabValidDt,
258         Date observHabQualifDt,
259         String observHabQualifCm,
260         Timestamp updateDt,
261         Integer remoteId);
263     /**
264      * <p>
265      * Creates a new <code>ObservedHabitat</code>
266      * instance from only <strong>required</strong> properties (attributes
267      * and association ends) and adds it to the persistent store.
268      * </p>
269      * @param eunisTypology
270      * @param qualityFlag
271      * @param survey
272      * @return ObservedHabitat
273      */
274     public ObservedHabitat create(
275         EunisTypology eunisTypology,
276         QualityFlag qualityFlag,
277         Survey survey);
279     /**
280      * <p>
281      * Does the same thing as {@link #create()} with an
282      * additional flag called <code>transform</code>. If this flag is set to <code>TRANSFORM_NONE</code> then
283      * the returned entity will <strong>NOT</strong> be transformed. If this flag is any of the other constants
284      * defined here then the result <strong>WILL BE</strong> passed through an operation which can optionally
285      * transform the entity (into a value object for example). By default, transformation does
286      * not occur.
287      * </p>
288      * @param transform flag to determine transformation type.
289      * @param eunisTypology
290      * @param qualityFlag
291      * @param survey
292      * @return Object
293      */
294     public Object create(
295         int transform,
296         EunisTypology eunisTypology,
297         QualityFlag qualityFlag,
298         Survey survey);
300     /**
301      * Updates the <code>observedHabitat</code> instance in the persistent store.
302      * @param observedHabitat
303      */
304     public void update(ObservedHabitat observedHabitat);
306     /**
307      * Updates all instances in the <code>entities</code> collection in the persistent store.
308      * @param entities
309      */
310     public void update(Collection<ObservedHabitat> entities);
312     /**
313      * Removes the instance of ObservedHabitat from the persistent store.
314      * @param observedHabitat
315      */
316     public void remove(ObservedHabitat observedHabitat);
318     /**
319      * Removes the instance of ObservedHabitat having the given
320      * <code>identifier</code> from the persistent store.
321      * @param observedHabitatId
322      */
323     public void remove(Integer observedHabitatId);
325     /**
326      * Removes all entities in the given <code>entities</code> collection.
327      * @param entities
328      */
329     public void remove(Collection<ObservedHabitat> entities);
332     /**
333      * Does the same thing as {@link #search(int, Search)} but with an
334      * additional two flags called <code>pageNumber</code> and <code>pageSize</code>. These flags allow you to
335      * limit your data to a specified page number and size.
336      *
337      * @param transform the transformation flag.
338      * @param pageNumber the page number in the data to retrieve
339      * @param pageSize the size of the page to retrieve.
340      * @param search the search object which provides the search parameters and pagination specification.
341      * @return any found results from the search wrapped in a {@link PaginationResult} instance.
342      */
343     public PaginationResult search(final int transform, final int pageNumber, final int pageSize, final Search search);
345     /**
346      * Does the same thing as {@link #search(Search)} but with an
347      * additional two flags called <code>pageNumber</code> and <code>pageSize</code>. These flags allow you to
348      * limit your data to a specified page number and size.
349      *
350      * @param pageNumber the page number in the data to retrieve
351      * @param pageSize the size of the page to retrieve.
352      * @param search the search object which provides the search parameters and pagination specification.
353      * @return any found results from the search wrapped in a {@link PaginationResult} instance.
354      */
355     public PaginationResult search(final int pageNumber, final int pageSize, final Search search);
357     /**
358      * Does the same thing as {@link #search(Search)} but with an
359      * additional flag called <code>transform</code>. If this flag is set to <code>TRANSFORM_NONE</code> then
360      * finder results will <strong>NOT</strong> be transformed during retrieval.
361      * If this flag is any of the other constants defined here
362      * then results <strong>WILL BE</strong> passed through an operation which can optionally
363      * transform the entities (into value objects for example). By default, transformation does
364      * not occur.
365      *
366      * @param transform the transformation flag.
367      * @param search the search object which provides the search parameters and pagination specification.
368      * @return any found results from the search.
369      */
370     public Set<?> search(final int transform, final Search search);
372     /**
373      * Performs a search using the parameters specified in the given <code>search</code> object.
374      *
375      * @param search the search object which provides the search parameters and pagination specification.
376      * @return any found results from the search.
377      */
378     public Set<ObservedHabitat> search(final Search search);
380     /**
381      * Allows transformation of entities into value objects
382      * (or something else for that matter), when the <code>transform</code>
383      * flag is set to one of the constants defined in <code></code>, please note
384      * that the {@link #TRANSFORM_NONE} constant denotes no transformation, so the entity itself
385      * will be returned.
386      *
387      * If the integer argument value is unknown {@link #TRANSFORM_NONE} is assumed.
388      *
389      * @param transform one of the constants declared in {@link}
390      * @param entity an entity that was found
391      * @return the transformed entity (i.e. new value object, etc)
392      * @see #transformEntities(int,Collection)
393      */
394     public Object transformEntity(final int transform, final ObservedHabitat entity);
396     /**
397      * Transforms a collection of entities using the
398      * {@link #transformEntity(int,ObservedHabitat)}
399      * method. This method does not instantiate a new collection.
400      * <p>
401      * This method is to be used internally only.
402      *
403      * @param transform one of the constants declared in <code></code>
404      * @param entities the collection of entities to transform
405      * @see #transformEntity(int,ObservedHabitat)
406      */
407     public void transformEntities(final int transform, final Collection<?> entities);
409     // spring-dao merge-point
410 }