1 // license-header java merge-point 2 // 3 // Attention: Generated code! Do not modify by hand! 4 // Generated by: SpringDao.vsl in andromda-spring-cartridge. 5 // 6 package fr.ifremer.quadrige3.core.dao.data.survey; 7 8 /*- 9 * #%L 10 * Quadrige3 Core :: Client API 11 * %% 12 * Copyright (C) 2017 - 2024 Ifremer 13 * %% 14 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify 15 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by 16 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or 17 * (at your option) any later version. 18 * 19 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 20 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 21 * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 22 * GNU General Public License for more details. 23 * 24 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License 25 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. 26 * #L% 27 */ 28 import fr.ifremer.quadrige3.core.dao.Search; 29 import fr.ifremer.quadrige3.core.dao.administration.user.Department; 30 import fr.ifremer.quadrige3.core.dao.referential.QualityFlag; 31 import fr.ifremer.quadrige3.core.dao.referential.monitoringLocation.MonitoringLocation; 32 import java.sql.Timestamp; 33 import java.util.Collection; 34 import java.util.Date; 35 import java.util.Set; 36 import org.andromda.spring.PaginationResult; 37 38 /** 39 * Liste les différents passages effectués sur un lieu de surveillance. 40 * Liste les différents passages effectués sur un lieu de surveillance. 41 * @see Survey 42 */ 43 public interface SurveyDao 44 { 45 /** 46 * This constant is used as a transformation flag; entities can be converted automatically into value objects 47 * or other types, different methods in a class implementing this interface support this feature: look for 48 * an <code>int</code> parameter called <code>transform</code>. 49 * <p> 50 * This specific flag denotes no transformation will occur. 51 */ 52 public static final int TRANSFORM_NONE = 0; 53 54 55 /** 56 * Transforms the given results to a collection of {@link Survey} 57 * instances (this is useful when the returned results contains a row of data and you want just entities only). 58 * 59 * @param results the query results. 60 */ 61 public void toEntities(final Collection<?> results); 62 63 /** 64 * Gets an instance of Survey from the persistent store. 65 * @param surveyId 66 * @return Survey 67 */ 68 public Survey get(Integer surveyId); 69 70 /** 71 * <p> 72 * Does the same thing as {@link #get(Integer)} with an 73 * additional flag called <code>transform</code>. If this flag is set to <code>TRANSFORM_NONE</code> then 74 * the returned entity will <strong>NOT</strong> be transformed. If this flag is any of the other constants 75 * defined in this class then the result <strong>WILL BE</strong> passed through an operation which can 76 * optionally transform the entity (into a value object for example). By default, transformation does 77 * not occur. 78 * </p> 79 * 80 * @param transform flag to determine transformation type. 81 * @param surveyId the identifier of the entity to get. 82 * @return either the entity or the object transformed from the entity. 83 */ 84 public Object get(int transform, Integer surveyId); 85 86 /** 87 * Loads an instance of Survey from the persistent store. 88 * @param surveyId 89 * @return Survey 90 */ 91 public Survey load(Integer surveyId); 92 93 /** 94 * <p> 95 * Does the same thing as {@link #load(Integer)} with an 96 * additional flag called <code>transform</code>. If this flag is set to <code>TRANSFORM_NONE</code> then 97 * the returned entity will <strong>NOT</strong> be transformed. If this flag is any of the other constants 98 * defined in this class then the result <strong>WILL BE</strong> passed through an operation which can 99 * optionally transform the entity (into a value object for example). By default, transformation does 100 * not occur. 101 * </p> 102 * 103 * @param transform flag to determine transformation type. 104 * @param surveyId the identifier of the entity to load. 105 * @return either the entity or the object transformed from the entity. 106 */ 107 public Object load(int transform, Integer surveyId); 108 109 /** 110 * Loads all entities of type {@link Survey}. 111 * 112 * @return the loaded entities. 113 */ 114 public Collection<Survey> loadAll(); 115 116 /** 117 * <p> 118 * Does the same thing as {@link #loadAll()} with an 119 * additional flag called <code>transform</code>. If this flag is set to <code>TRANSFORM_NONE</code> then 120 * the returned entity will <strong>NOT</strong> be transformed. If this flag is any of the other constants 121 * defined here then the result <strong>WILL BE</strong> passed through an operation which can optionally 122 * transform the entity (into a value object for example). By default, transformation does 123 * not occur. 124 * </p> 125 * 126 * @param transform the flag indicating what transformation to use. 127 * @return the loaded entities. 128 */ 129 public Collection<?> loadAll(final int transform); 130 131 /** 132 * <p> 133 * Does the same thing as {@link #loadAll()} with an 134 * additional two arguments called <code>pageNumber</code> and <code>pageSize</code>. The <code>pageNumber</code> 135 * argument allows you to specify the page number when you are paging the results and the pageSize allows you to specify the size of the 136 * page retrieved. 137 * </p> 138 * 139 * @param pageNumber the page number to retrieve when paging results. 140 * @param pageSize the size of the page to retrieve when paging results. 141 * @return the loaded entities. 142 */ 143 public Collection<?> loadAll(final int pageNumber, final int pageSize); 144 145 /** 146 * <p> 147 * Does the same thing as {@link #loadAll(int)} with an 148 * additional two arguments called <code>pageNumber</code> and <code>pageSize</code>. The <code>pageNumber</code> 149 * argument allows you to specify the page number when you are paging the results and the pageSize allows you to specify the size of the 150 * page retrieved. 151 * </p> 152 * 153 * @param transform the flag indicating what transformation to use. 154 * @param pageNumber the page number to retrieve when paging results. 155 * @param pageSize the size of the page to retrieve when paging results. 156 * @return the loaded entities. 157 */ 158 public Collection<?> loadAll(final int transform, final int pageNumber, final int pageSize); 159 160 /** 161 * Creates an instance of Survey and adds it to the persistent store. 162 * @param survey 163 * @return Survey 164 */ 165 public Survey create(Survey survey); 166 167 /** 168 * <p> 169 * Does the same thing as {@link #create(Survey)} with an 170 * additional flag called <code>transform</code>. If this flag is set to <code>TRANSFORM_NONE</code> then 171 * the returned entity will <strong>NOT</strong> be transformed. If this flag is any of the other constants 172 * defined here then the result <strong>WILL BE</strong> passed through an operation which can optionally 173 * transform the entity (into a value object for example). By default, transformation does 174 * not occur. 175 * </p> 176 * @param transform 177 * @param survey 178 * @return Object 179 */ 180 public Object create(int transform, Survey survey); 181 182 /** 183 * Creates a new instance of Survey and adds 184 * from the passed in <code>entities</code> collection 185 * 186 * @param entities the collection of Survey 187 * instances to create. 188 * 189 * @return the created instances. 190 */ 191 public Collection<Survey> create(Collection<Survey> entities); 192 193 /** 194 * <p> 195 * Does the same thing as {@link #create(Survey)} with an 196 * additional flag called <code>transform</code>. If this flag is set to <code>TRANSFORM_NONE</code> then 197 * the returned entity will <strong>NOT</strong> be transformed. If this flag is any of the other constants 198 * defined here then the result <strong>WILL BE</strong> passed through an operation which can optionally 199 * transform the entities (into value objects for example). By default, transformation does 200 * not occur. 201 * </p> 202 * @param transform 203 * @param entities 204 * @return Collection 205 */ 206 public Collection<?> create(int transform, Collection<Survey> entities); 207 208 /** 209 * <p> 210 * Creates a new <code>Survey</code> 211 * instance from <strong>all</strong> attributes and adds it to 212 * the persistent store. 213 * </p> 214 * @param surveyDt Date du passage 215 Cette date ne comprend pas les heures, minutes, secondes du passage qui sont renseignés séparément. 216 * @param surveyTime Heure du passage. 217 Cette heure est indépendante de la date, car elle n'est pas obligatoire et il faut être capable de 218 séparer un passage à minuit et une heure non renseignée. 219 L'heure renseignée par l'utilisateur est l'heure locale, ie UT+1 ou UT+2 220 * @param surveyNumberIndiv Nombre d¿¿individus sur le passage 221 * @param surveyBottomDepth Valeur de la sonde à l'endroit du passage. 222 Cette valeur n'a de sens que lorsque le passage est de type ponctuel. 223 Elle n'est pas obligatoire, car il il y a des passages à terre (rebent intertidal) 224 * @param surveyLb Chaine de caractères contenant une suite de mots clefs connus de l'utilisateur et servant à 225 identifier le passage (lors d'une sélection par exemple?) 226 * @param surveyCm Commentaire sur le passage. (les commentaires en général ne servent pas à décrire mais à donner des 227 informations diverses et variées, et surtout accessoires, pas capitales). 228 * @param surveyUtFormat Format UT de l'heure pour le passage [-12;12] 229 * @param surveyControlDt Date des contrôles les caractéristiques du passage 230 Cette date ainsi que celle de qualification, et validation ne sont pas renseignées par 231 l'utilisateur, mais par les fonctions associées. 232 * @param surveyValidDt Date de validation de la données 233 * @param surveyValidCm 234 * @param surveyQualifDt Date de qualification de la données 235 * @param surveyQualifCm Commentaires sur la qualification du passage. Ces commentaires sont obligatoires si le niveau de 236 qualification est douteux ou faux. On peut par exemple noter dans le commentaire que l¿engin 237 d¿analyse utilisé était déficient. 238 * @param surveyActualPosition Vrai si la géométrie est définie par l'utilisateur, faux si elle est héritée du lieu. 239 Cette information est renseignée par le système et permet par la suite une thématique d'affichage. 240 * @param surveyPositionCm Commentaire associé à la localisation 241 * @param surveyGeometryValidDt Date de validation de la géométrie de l'objet 242 * @param surveyScope Vrai si l'étape de qualification est globale, faux si des éléments fils ou résultats n'ont pas la 243 même étape 244 * @param surveyHasMeas Vrai si l'élément a des résultats de mesure, dénombrement ou fichier 245 * @param updateDt Date de modification de l'objet, mise à jour par le système 246 * @param synchronizationStatus 247 * @param remoteId 248 * @return Survey 249 */ 250 public Survey create( 251 Date surveyDt, 252 Integer surveyTime, 253 Integer surveyNumberIndiv, 254 Float surveyBottomDepth, 255 String surveyLb, 256 String surveyCm, 257 Double surveyUtFormat, 258 Date surveyControlDt, 259 Date surveyValidDt, 260 String surveyValidCm, 261 Date surveyQualifDt, 262 String surveyQualifCm, 263 String surveyActualPosition, 264 String surveyPositionCm, 265 Date surveyGeometryValidDt, 266 String surveyScope, 267 String surveyHasMeas, 268 Timestamp updateDt, 269 String synchronizationStatus, 270 Integer remoteId); 271 272 /** 273 * <p> 274 * Does the same thing as {@link #create(Date, Integer, Integer, Float, String, String, Double, Date, Date, String, Date, String, String, String, Date, String, String, Timestamp, String, Integer)} with an 275 * additional flag called <code>transform</code>. If this flag is set to <code>TRANSFORM_NONE</code> then 276 * the returned entity will <strong>NOT</strong> be transformed. If this flag is any of the other constants 277 * defined here then the result <strong>WILL BE</strong> passed through an operation which can optionally 278 * transform the entity (into a value object for example). By default, transformation does 279 * not occur. 280 * </p> 281 * @param transform 282 * @param surveyDt Date du passage 283 Cette date ne comprend pas les heures, minutes, secondes du passage qui sont renseignés séparément. 284 * @param surveyTime Heure du passage. 285 Cette heure est indépendante de la date, car elle n'est pas obligatoire et il faut être capable de 286 séparer un passage à minuit et une heure non renseignée. 287 L'heure renseignée par l'utilisateur est l'heure locale, ie UT+1 ou UT+2 288 * @param surveyNumberIndiv Nombre d¿¿individus sur le passage 289 * @param surveyBottomDepth Valeur de la sonde à l'endroit du passage. 290 Cette valeur n'a de sens que lorsque le passage est de type ponctuel. 291 Elle n'est pas obligatoire, car il il y a des passages à terre (rebent intertidal) 292 * @param surveyLb Chaine de caractères contenant une suite de mots clefs connus de l'utilisateur et servant à 293 identifier le passage (lors d'une sélection par exemple?) 294 * @param surveyCm Commentaire sur le passage. (les commentaires en général ne servent pas à décrire mais à donner des 295 informations diverses et variées, et surtout accessoires, pas capitales). 296 * @param surveyUtFormat Format UT de l'heure pour le passage [-12;12] 297 * @param surveyControlDt Date des contrôles les caractéristiques du passage 298 Cette date ainsi que celle de qualification, et validation ne sont pas renseignées par 299 l'utilisateur, mais par les fonctions associées. 300 * @param surveyValidDt Date de validation de la données 301 * @param surveyValidCm 302 * @param surveyQualifDt Date de qualification de la données 303 * @param surveyQualifCm Commentaires sur la qualification du passage. Ces commentaires sont obligatoires si le niveau de 304 qualification est douteux ou faux. On peut par exemple noter dans le commentaire que l¿engin 305 d¿analyse utilisé était déficient. 306 * @param surveyActualPosition Vrai si la géométrie est définie par l'utilisateur, faux si elle est héritée du lieu. 307 Cette information est renseignée par le système et permet par la suite une thématique d'affichage. 308 * @param surveyPositionCm Commentaire associé à la localisation 309 * @param surveyGeometryValidDt Date de validation de la géométrie de l'objet 310 * @param surveyScope Vrai si l'étape de qualification est globale, faux si des éléments fils ou résultats n'ont pas la 311 même étape 312 * @param surveyHasMeas Vrai si l'élément a des résultats de mesure, dénombrement ou fichier 313 * @param updateDt Date de modification de l'objet, mise à jour par le système 314 * @param synchronizationStatus 315 * @param remoteId 316 * @return Survey 317 */ 318 public Object create( 319 int transform, 320 Date surveyDt, 321 Integer surveyTime, 322 Integer surveyNumberIndiv, 323 Float surveyBottomDepth, 324 String surveyLb, 325 String surveyCm, 326 Double surveyUtFormat, 327 Date surveyControlDt, 328 Date surveyValidDt, 329 String surveyValidCm, 330 Date surveyQualifDt, 331 String surveyQualifCm, 332 String surveyActualPosition, 333 String surveyPositionCm, 334 Date surveyGeometryValidDt, 335 String surveyScope, 336 String surveyHasMeas, 337 Timestamp updateDt, 338 String synchronizationStatus, 339 Integer remoteId); 340 341 /** 342 * <p> 343 * Creates a new <code>Survey</code> 344 * instance from only <strong>required</strong> properties (attributes 345 * and association ends) and adds it to the persistent store. 346 * </p> 347 * @param surveyDt 348 * @param synchronizationStatus 349 * @param recorderDepartment 350 * @param monitoringLocation 351 * @param qualityFlag 352 * @return Survey 353 */ 354 public Survey create( 355 Date surveyDt, 356 String synchronizationStatus, 357 Department recorderDepartment, 358 MonitoringLocation monitoringLocation, 359 QualityFlag qualityFlag); 360 361 /** 362 * <p> 363 * Does the same thing as {@link #create(Date, String)} with an 364 * additional flag called <code>transform</code>. If this flag is set to <code>TRANSFORM_NONE</code> then 365 * the returned entity will <strong>NOT</strong> be transformed. If this flag is any of the other constants 366 * defined here then the result <strong>WILL BE</strong> passed through an operation which can optionally 367 * transform the entity (into a value object for example). By default, transformation does 368 * not occur. 369 * </p> 370 * @param transform flag to determine transformation type. 371 * @param surveyDt 372 * @param synchronizationStatus 373 * @param recorderDepartment 374 * @param monitoringLocation 375 * @param qualityFlag 376 * @return Object 377 */ 378 public Object create( 379 int transform, 380 Date surveyDt, 381 String synchronizationStatus, 382 Department recorderDepartment, 383 MonitoringLocation monitoringLocation, 384 QualityFlag qualityFlag); 385 386 /** 387 * Updates the <code>survey</code> instance in the persistent store. 388 * @param survey 389 */ 390 public void update(Survey survey); 391 392 /** 393 * Updates all instances in the <code>entities</code> collection in the persistent store. 394 * @param entities 395 */ 396 public void update(Collection<Survey> entities); 397 398 /** 399 * Removes the instance of Survey from the persistent store. 400 * @param survey 401 */ 402 public void remove(Survey survey); 403 404 /** 405 * Removes the instance of Survey having the given 406 * <code>identifier</code> from the persistent store. 407 * @param surveyId 408 */ 409 public void remove(Integer surveyId); 410 411 /** 412 * Removes all entities in the given <code>entities</code> collection. 413 * @param entities 414 */ 415 public void remove(Collection<Survey> entities); 416 417 418 /** 419 * Does the same thing as {@link #search(int, Search)} but with an 420 * additional two flags called <code>pageNumber</code> and <code>pageSize</code>. These flags allow you to 421 * limit your data to a specified page number and size. 422 * 423 * @param transform the transformation flag. 424 * @param pageNumber the page number in the data to retrieve 425 * @param pageSize the size of the page to retrieve. 426 * @param search the search object which provides the search parameters and pagination specification. 427 * @return any found results from the search wrapped in a {@link PaginationResult} instance. 428 */ 429 public PaginationResult search(final int transform, final int pageNumber, final int pageSize, final Search search); 430 431 /** 432 * Does the same thing as {@link #search(Search)} but with an 433 * additional two flags called <code>pageNumber</code> and <code>pageSize</code>. These flags allow you to 434 * limit your data to a specified page number and size. 435 * 436 * @param pageNumber the page number in the data to retrieve 437 * @param pageSize the size of the page to retrieve. 438 * @param search the search object which provides the search parameters and pagination specification. 439 * @return any found results from the search wrapped in a {@link PaginationResult} instance. 440 */ 441 public PaginationResult search(final int pageNumber, final int pageSize, final Search search); 442 443 /** 444 * Does the same thing as {@link #search(Search)} but with an 445 * additional flag called <code>transform</code>. If this flag is set to <code>TRANSFORM_NONE</code> then 446 * finder results will <strong>NOT</strong> be transformed during retrieval. 447 * If this flag is any of the other constants defined here 448 * then results <strong>WILL BE</strong> passed through an operation which can optionally 449 * transform the entities (into value objects for example). By default, transformation does 450 * not occur. 451 * 452 * @param transform the transformation flag. 453 * @param search the search object which provides the search parameters and pagination specification. 454 * @return any found results from the search. 455 */ 456 public Set<?> search(final int transform, final Search search); 457 458 /** 459 * Performs a search using the parameters specified in the given <code>search</code> object. 460 * 461 * @param search the search object which provides the search parameters and pagination specification. 462 * @return any found results from the search. 463 */ 464 public Set<Survey> search(final Search search); 465 466 /** 467 * Allows transformation of entities into value objects 468 * (or something else for that matter), when the <code>transform</code> 469 * flag is set to one of the constants defined in <code>fr.ifremer.quadrige3.core.dao.data.survey.SurveyDao</code>, please note 470 * that the {@link #TRANSFORM_NONE} constant denotes no transformation, so the entity itself 471 * will be returned. 472 * 473 * If the integer argument value is unknown {@link #TRANSFORM_NONE} is assumed. 474 * 475 * @param transform one of the constants declared in {@link fr.ifremer.quadrige3.core.dao.data.survey.SurveyDao} 476 * @param entity an entity that was found 477 * @return the transformed entity (i.e. new value object, etc) 478 * @see #transformEntities(int,Collection) 479 */ 480 public Object transformEntity(final int transform, final Survey entity); 481 482 /** 483 * Transforms a collection of entities using the 484 * {@link #transformEntity(int,Survey)} 485 * method. This method does not instantiate a new collection. 486 * <p> 487 * This method is to be used internally only. 488 * 489 * @param transform one of the constants declared in <code>fr.ifremer.quadrige3.core.dao.data.survey.SurveyDao</code> 490 * @param entities the collection of entities to transform 491 * @see #transformEntity(int,Survey) 492 */ 493 public void transformEntities(final int transform, final Collection<?> entities); 494 495 // spring-dao merge-point 496 }