View Javadoc
1   // license-header java merge-point
2   //
3   // Attention: Generated code! Do not modify by hand!
4   // Generated by: hibernate/HibernateEntity.vsl in andromda-hibernate-cartridge.
5   //
6   package fr.ifremer.quadrige3.core.dao.system;
8   /*-
9    * #%L
10   * Quadrige3 Core :: Client API
11   * %%
12   * Copyright (C) 2017 - 2024 Ifremer
13   * %%
14   * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
15   * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
16   * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
17   * (at your option) any later version.
18   * 
19   * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
20   * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
22   * GNU General Public License for more details.
23   * 
24   * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
25   * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
26   * #L%
27   */
28  import;
29  import java.util.Date;
31  /**
32   * Rapport des fiches d'anomalies et d'évolutions gérées dans l'outil Mantis.
33   * Cette table constitue la base des outils de présentation et de synthèse des demandes pour la
34   * cellule d'administration de Quadrige
35   */
36  // HibernateEntity.vsl annotations merge-point
37  public abstract class BugReport
38      implements Serializable, Comparable<BugReport>
39  {
40      /**
41       * The serial version UID of this class. Needed for serialization.
42       */
43      private static final long serialVersionUID = -2116166496329761755L;
45      // Generate 14 attributes
46      private Integer bugId;
48      /**
49       * Identifiant de la fiche dans le système Mantis
50       * @return this.bugId Integer
51       */
52      public Integer getBugId()
53      {
54          return this.bugId;
55      }
57      /**
58       * Identifiant de la fiche dans le système Mantis
59       * @param bugIdIn Integer
60       */
61      public void setBugId(Integer bugIdIn)
62      {
63          this.bugId = bugIdIn;
64      }
66      private String bugSummary;
68      /**
69       * Résumé de la fiche
70       * @return this.bugSummary String
71       */
72      public String getBugSummary()
73      {
74          return this.bugSummary;
75      }
77      /**
78       * Résumé de la fiche
79       * @param bugSummaryIn String
80       */
81      public void setBugSummary(String bugSummaryIn)
82      {
83          this.bugSummary = bugSummaryIn;
84      }
86      private String bugDescription;
88      /**
89       * Description de la fiche
90       * @return this.bugDescription String
91       */
92      public String getBugDescription()
93      {
94          return this.bugDescription;
95      }
97      /**
98       * Description de la fiche
99       * @param bugDescriptionIn String
100      */
101     public void setBugDescription(String bugDescriptionIn)
102     {
103         this.bugDescription = bugDescriptionIn;
104     }
106     private String bugReporterName;
108     /**
109      * Nom du rapporteur
110      * @return this.bugReporterName String
111      */
112     public String getBugReporterName()
113     {
114         return this.bugReporterName;
115     }
117     /**
118      * Nom du rapporteur
119      * @param bugReporterNameIn String
120      */
121     public void setBugReporterName(String bugReporterNameIn)
122     {
123         this.bugReporterName = bugReporterNameIn;
124     }
126     private String bugStatus;
128     /**
129      * Etat de la fiche
130      * @return this.bugStatus String
131      */
132     public String getBugStatus()
133     {
134         return this.bugStatus;
135     }
137     /**
138      * Etat de la fiche
139      * @param bugStatusIn String
140      */
141     public void setBugStatus(String bugStatusIn)
142     {
143         this.bugStatus = bugStatusIn;
144     }
146     private String bugCategory;
148     /**
149      * Catégorie de la fiche (anomalie ou évolution)
150      * @return this.bugCategory String
151      */
152     public String getBugCategory()
153     {
154         return this.bugCategory;
155     }
157     /**
158      * Catégorie de la fiche (anomalie ou évolution)
159      * @param bugCategoryIn String
160      */
161     public void setBugCategory(String bugCategoryIn)
162     {
163         this.bugCategory = bugCategoryIn;
164     }
166     private String bugPriority;
168     /**
169      * Priorité de la fiche
170      * @return this.bugPriority String
171      */
172     public String getBugPriority()
173     {
174         return this.bugPriority;
175     }
177     /**
178      * Priorité de la fiche
179      * @param bugPriorityIn String
180      */
181     public void setBugPriority(String bugPriorityIn)
182     {
183         this.bugPriority = bugPriorityIn;
184     }
186     private String bugSeverity;
188     /**
189      * Sévérité de la fiche
190      * @return this.bugSeverity String
191      */
192     public String getBugSeverity()
193     {
194         return this.bugSeverity;
195     }
197     /**
198      * Sévérité de la fiche
199      * @param bugSeverityIn String
200      */
201     public void setBugSeverity(String bugSeverityIn)
202     {
203         this.bugSeverity = bugSeverityIn;
204     }
206     private Date bugSubmittedDate;
208     /**
209      * Date de soumission de la fiche
210      * @return this.bugSubmittedDate Date
211      */
212     public Date getBugSubmittedDate()
213     {
214         return this.bugSubmittedDate;
215     }
217     /**
218      * Date de soumission de la fiche
219      * @param bugSubmittedDateIn Date
220      */
221     public void setBugSubmittedDate(Date bugSubmittedDateIn)
222     {
223         this.bugSubmittedDate = bugSubmittedDateIn;
224     }
226     private Date bugUpdatedDate;
228     /**
229      * Date de mise à jour de la fiche
230      * @return this.bugUpdatedDate Date
231      */
232     public Date getBugUpdatedDate()
233     {
234         return this.bugUpdatedDate;
235     }
237     /**
238      * Date de mise à jour de la fiche
239      * @param bugUpdatedDateIn Date
240      */
241     public void setBugUpdatedDate(Date bugUpdatedDateIn)
242     {
243         this.bugUpdatedDate = bugUpdatedDateIn;
244     }
246     private Date bugWishedDate;
248     /**
249      * Date souhaitée pour la mise en oeuvre de la fiche
250      * @return this.bugWishedDate Date
251      */
252     public Date getBugWishedDate()
253     {
254         return this.bugWishedDate;
255     }
257     /**
258      * Date souhaitée pour la mise en oeuvre de la fiche
259      * @param bugWishedDateIn Date
260      */
261     public void setBugWishedDate(Date bugWishedDateIn)
262     {
263         this.bugWishedDate = bugWishedDateIn;
264     }
266     private Date bugClosedDate;
268     /**
269      * Date de fermeture de la fiche
270      * @return this.bugClosedDate Date
271      */
272     public Date getBugClosedDate()
273     {
274         return this.bugClosedDate;
275     }
277     /**
278      * Date de fermeture de la fiche
279      * @param bugClosedDateIn Date
280      */
281     public void setBugClosedDate(Date bugClosedDateIn)
282     {
283         this.bugClosedDate = bugClosedDateIn;
284     }
286     private String bugProductVersion;
288     /**
289      * Version du produit sur laquelle la fiche a été établie
290      * @return this.bugProductVersion String
291      */
292     public String getBugProductVersion()
293     {
294         return this.bugProductVersion;
295     }
297     /**
298      * Version du produit sur laquelle la fiche a été établie
299      * @param bugProductVersionIn String
300      */
301     public void setBugProductVersion(String bugProductVersionIn)
302     {
303         this.bugProductVersion = bugProductVersionIn;
304     }
306     private String bugFixedVersion;
308     /**
309      * Version du produit sur laquelle la fiche a été réalisée
310      * @return this.bugFixedVersion String
311      */
312     public String getBugFixedVersion()
313     {
314         return this.bugFixedVersion;
315     }
317     /**
318      * Version du produit sur laquelle la fiche a été réalisée
319      * @param bugFixedVersionIn String
320      */
321     public void setBugFixedVersion(String bugFixedVersionIn)
322     {
323         this.bugFixedVersion = bugFixedVersionIn;
324     }
326     // Generate 0 associations
327     /**
328      * Returns <code>true</code> if the argument is an BugReport instance and all identifiers for this entity
329      * equal the identifiers of the argument entity. Returns <code>false</code> otherwise.
330      */
331     @Override
332     public boolean equals(Object object)
333     {
334         if (this == object)
335         {
336             return true;
337         }
338         if (!(object instanceof BugReport))
339         {
340             return false;
341         }
342         final BugReport that = (BugReport)object;
343         if (this.bugId == null || that.getBugId() == null || !this.bugId.equals(that.getBugId()))
344         {
345             return false;
346         }
347         return true;
348     }
350     /**
351      * Returns a hash code based on this entity's identifiers.
352      */
353     @Override
354     public int hashCode()
355     {
356         int hashCode = 0;
357         hashCode = 29 * hashCode + (this.bugId == null ? 0 : this.bugId.hashCode());
359         return hashCode;
360     }
362     /**
363      * Constructs new instances of {@link BugReport}.
364      */
365     public static final class Factory
366     {
367         /**
368          * Constructs a new instance of {@link BugReport}.
369          * @return new BugReportImpl()
370          */
371         public static BugReport newInstance()
372         {
373             return new BugReportImpl();
374         }
377         /**
378          * Constructs a new instance of {@link BugReport}, taking all possible properties
379          * (except the identifier(s))as arguments.
380          * @param bugSummary String
381          * @param bugDescription String
382          * @param bugReporterName String
383          * @param bugStatus String
384          * @param bugCategory String
385          * @param bugPriority String
386          * @param bugSeverity String
387          * @param bugSubmittedDate Date
388          * @param bugUpdatedDate Date
389          * @param bugWishedDate Date
390          * @param bugClosedDate Date
391          * @param bugProductVersion String
392          * @param bugFixedVersion String
393          * @return newInstance BugReport
394          */
395         public static BugReport newInstance(String bugSummary, String bugDescription, String bugReporterName, String bugStatus, String bugCategory, String bugPriority, String bugSeverity, Date bugSubmittedDate, Date bugUpdatedDate, Date bugWishedDate, Date bugClosedDate, String bugProductVersion, String bugFixedVersion)
396         {
397             final BugReport entity = new BugReportImpl();
398             entity.setBugSummary(bugSummary);
399             entity.setBugDescription(bugDescription);
400             entity.setBugReporterName(bugReporterName);
401             entity.setBugStatus(bugStatus);
402             entity.setBugCategory(bugCategory);
403             entity.setBugPriority(bugPriority);
404             entity.setBugSeverity(bugSeverity);
405             entity.setBugSubmittedDate(bugSubmittedDate);
406             entity.setBugUpdatedDate(bugUpdatedDate);
407             entity.setBugWishedDate(bugWishedDate);
408             entity.setBugClosedDate(bugClosedDate);
409             entity.setBugProductVersion(bugProductVersion);
410             entity.setBugFixedVersion(bugFixedVersion);
411             return entity;
412         }
413     }
415     /**
416      * @see Comparable#compareTo
417      */
418     public int compareTo(BugReport o)
419     {
420         int cmp = 0;
421         if (this.getBugId() != null)
422         {
423             cmp = this.getBugId().compareTo(o.getBugId());
424         }
425         else
426         {
427             if (this.getBugSummary() != null)
428             {
429                 cmp = (cmp != 0 ? cmp : this.getBugSummary().compareTo(o.getBugSummary()));
430             }
431             if (this.getBugDescription() != null)
432             {
433                 cmp = (cmp != 0 ? cmp : this.getBugDescription().compareTo(o.getBugDescription()));
434             }
435             if (this.getBugReporterName() != null)
436             {
437                 cmp = (cmp != 0 ? cmp : this.getBugReporterName().compareTo(o.getBugReporterName()));
438             }
439             if (this.getBugStatus() != null)
440             {
441                 cmp = (cmp != 0 ? cmp : this.getBugStatus().compareTo(o.getBugStatus()));
442             }
443             if (this.getBugCategory() != null)
444             {
445                 cmp = (cmp != 0 ? cmp : this.getBugCategory().compareTo(o.getBugCategory()));
446             }
447             if (this.getBugPriority() != null)
448             {
449                 cmp = (cmp != 0 ? cmp : this.getBugPriority().compareTo(o.getBugPriority()));
450             }
451             if (this.getBugSeverity() != null)
452             {
453                 cmp = (cmp != 0 ? cmp : this.getBugSeverity().compareTo(o.getBugSeverity()));
454             }
455             if (this.getBugSubmittedDate() != null)
456             {
457                 cmp = (cmp != 0 ? cmp : this.getBugSubmittedDate().compareTo(o.getBugSubmittedDate()));
458             }
459             if (this.getBugUpdatedDate() != null)
460             {
461                 cmp = (cmp != 0 ? cmp : this.getBugUpdatedDate().compareTo(o.getBugUpdatedDate()));
462             }
463             if (this.getBugWishedDate() != null)
464             {
465                 cmp = (cmp != 0 ? cmp : this.getBugWishedDate().compareTo(o.getBugWishedDate()));
466             }
467             if (this.getBugClosedDate() != null)
468             {
469                 cmp = (cmp != 0 ? cmp : this.getBugClosedDate().compareTo(o.getBugClosedDate()));
470             }
471             if (this.getBugProductVersion() != null)
472             {
473                 cmp = (cmp != 0 ? cmp : this.getBugProductVersion().compareTo(o.getBugProductVersion()));
474             }
475             if (this.getBugFixedVersion() != null)
476             {
477                 cmp = (cmp != 0 ? cmp : this.getBugFixedVersion().compareTo(o.getBugFixedVersion()));
478             }
479         }
480         return cmp;
481     }
482 // HibernateEntity.vsl merge-point
483 // merge-point
484 }