Functional use cases
Use-cases (UC) define the functional behavior of the SUAMRiS App, for any end-user.
WARN: Work in progess. See Use-cases in French as latest documentation.
Administration of referential
Collection of data
UC - Entering a sighting on landing

Main Scenario
The observer requests the creation of a new observation on landing.
He enters :
- Data collection program;
- Location of observation;
- Date/time of observation start;
- End date/time (optional/invisible - depending on program configuration);
- One or more observers (at least one mandatory);
- Other characteristics / parameters, collected for the program;
- Comment (optional)

- He can then add/remove observed vessels :

UC - Entering an observed landing
Goal :

Main Scenario
The observer requests the creation of a new landing, attached to an observation on site.
He enters :
- The observed vessel:
- Other characteristics / parameters, collected for the program;
- A comment (optional)

- He can then enter the landed catch :

- The user saves his changes
Variant 1.a - Landing without parent observation
The observer requests the creation of a new landing, without attachment to an on-site observation (eg opportunistic data collection)
He enters :
- The collection program;
- The observed vessel:
- he place of landing;
- The date and time of the landing.
- Observers (at least one mandatory)
- Other characteristics / parameters, collected for the program;
- A comment (optional)
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