SUMARiS use a database engine to store data.
It can exists many SUMARiS databases instances on the web. Each databases instance is accessible through a server software, called SUMARiS Pod.
A Pod manage only one database instance.
The SUMARiS Pod has several features:
Create a database instance, then manage schema updates.
Allow data access (read/write) to a database instance. Such API is used by client software (like the SUMARiS App):
For IT developers:
wget -kL # Or using curl: # curl > # Give execution rights chmod u+x
#!/bin/bash # --- User variables (can be redefined): --------------------------------------- #SUMARIS_HOME=/path/to/sumaris/home SERVICE_NAME=sumaris-db DB_NAME=sumaris DB_PORT=9000 (...)
./ start
Your database is ready, and should be accessible (e.g. through a JDBC client software).
To make sure everything is running well, check logs at: <SUMARIS_HOME>/logs/
TODO: write this part
TODO: write this part
Install Pod’s dependencies:
Download the latest JAR file at:
Copy the JAR file anywhere;
In a terminal, start the pod using the command:
java -jar sumaris-pod-x.y.z.jar
Congratulations !
Your Pod should now be running..
A welcome page should also be visible at the address http://localhost:8080:
Note for IT developers:
Your running Pod give access to useful dev tools : - A GraphQL live query editor, at <server_url>/grapiql (WARN some query will need authorization) - A GraphQL subscription query editor (GraphQL + websocket), at <server_url>/subscription/test
TODO: write this part
To change the Pod’s configuration, follow this steps:
Create a directory for your configuration (e.g. /home/<USER>/.config/sumaris/):
mkdir -p /home/<USER>/.config/sumaris/
Create a file application.yml inside this directory;
Edit the file, and add options you want to override (see the list of available options):
A basic example:
server.address: server.port: 8080 sumaris.basedir: /home/<USER>/.config/sumaris
In a terminal, start the pod with the command:
java -server -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -Dspring.config.additional-location=/home/<USER>/.config/sumaris/ -jar sumaris-pod-x.y.z.jar
That’s it !
Your configuration file should have been processed.
sudo apt-get install build-essential
Install LibSodium (Unix only):
Install Java SDK 8
Install Apache Maven 3
Get the source code
git clone cd sumaris-pod
Run the compilation:
cd sumaris-pod mvn install -DskipTests
The final JAR file should have been created inside the directory: <PROJECT_DIR>/sumaris-server/target/