SUMARiS Data Model


Base classes


Each referential entity item have a numerical id as identifier, a unique label (for code), a name and a full description.



A location can be: - a territorial location (e.g. Country, harbour, auction…) - a fishing area, on any administrative spatial unit at sea (e.g. FAO area, ICES division or sub-division, CGPM..)

A location can have a spatial geometry (area, line, or point) that can be used by SUMARiS GIS capabilities.


A gear is fishing gear, used by vessels during a trip. Gear code comes from FAO gear code, but can be extended with other gear codification (like national gear codes).

Commercial species

Commercial species are call “Taxon Group” in the data model.

FAO ASFIS code are used, but can be extends with national codes.

Scientific species

Scientific species are called “Taxon” in the data model.

  • For now, codes comes from French RefTax database, or any other national codes;
  • A working group (E-IS, Ifremer, MNHN, Sandre) will develop (2020) a Proof of Concept (PoC) to synchronize codes from WoRMS, using Ontologies Web Language (OWL) and the RDF format.

Collected parameters (PMFMU)


a PSFMU is an association of:

  • a Parameter: what is collected (e.g. a distance, a weight…);
    • A parameter has a unique type : numerical, alphanumerical, boolean, qualitative values;
    • A parameter can define min and max values;
  • a Matrix: what is measured;
  • a Fraction: a part of the matrix;
  • a Method: how to get the measure value;
  • a Unit (e.g meters, kilograms…)

This class allows to define any kind of measure type, with the precision expected by all scientific purposes.

Program and strategies

Program is the entity that holds a data collection project (e.g. a scientific project, a UE project, …).


  • A Program describe the project (label, name, description);
  • Each program has one or more strategies;
  • Forthcoming:

  • Each program can manage access rights by users or departments


  • A Strategy holds one data collection protocol. Typically, it define all parameters (PSFMU) that should be collected.
  • Each collected parameters is collected inside a acquisition level (e.g. on Trip, on Operation, on Landing, …)
  • Forthcoming:

    • A strategy is applied on one or more period and on one or more locations.

This concept of program / strategies allow us to generate all the fields that user can fill in screens, and also all applied controls (min/max, type). This is part the generic aspect of SUMARiS tools.

Collected data


Each collected data has a root entity, linked to a program.

  • A root entity can be linked to one fishing vessel (see below: Trip, Landing, …)
  • A root entity has some data quality attributes :
  • A update date, to identify the exact version;
  • A recorder department and person;
  • A quality flag (e.g. Good, Bad, Out of stats, …) used to exclude bad data on exports or map products;



  • Trip: a fishing trip, on a unique vessel.
  • A trip start from a departure location (and date/time) and ends with a return location;
  • A trip can define one or more physical gears: a gear (e.g. OTB) and its physical features;
  • A trip can have many operations, as children;
  • Operation: A unique fishing operation, using a physical gear.

  • A operation can define some features;



  • Observed Location: an observation applied on a landing site (harbour, auction) on a date/time (or period);
  • an observed location can have many landings (one or more by vessel), as children.
  • Landing: an observation on a vessel, observed at landing time.

  • A landing can have a parent observed location, as parent;
  • A landing can have many trips, as children;